Lit from Within: Anti-aging and Anti-pimpling from Aveya Beauty #aveyafacialpads #aveyabeauty

Friday, May 8, 2015

Anti-aging and Anti-pimpling from Aveya Beauty #aveyafacialpads #aveyabeauty

Product provided for review.  All opinions are my own.
Hello, Fireflies!

If you're a regular reader, you've probably heard me mention before that my skin is not only getting older, but it's still oily, and acne-prone.  This makes for some challenges in creating a skincare regimen that clears up acneic bacteria, but doesn't dry out or irritate my old lady skin.  I tested two products from Aveya Beauty that approach different concerns for my skincare.

veya Beauty Facial Cleansing Pads
The first product is a bit of a head-scratcher.  It's listed as "Daily Facial Cleansing Pads" on Amazon, but the label says "Peel Optimizing Pads".  At first, I wasn't even sure I had gotten the right product! But, they are the same thing.  The jar has 75 textured pads, soaking in a solution of primarily water, alcohol, and witch hazel, among other things, like Salicylic Acid and Retinol. They remind me of the Stridex pads I used in my youth, but I don't know if they are a dupe or not.
veya Beauty Facial Cleansing Pads
They have a medicinal smell, and a cooling effect on the skin, but I found them to be irritating to my face, and only used them for a few days.  I didn't have any averse reaction or anything, but they're not for me.  I suspect that they might be better for younger folk who aren't dealing with aging skin issues.

If you're looking for a cleansing pad to help with acne, or a pre-peel treatment pad, these Aveya Beauty Facial Cleansing Pads can currently be found on Amazon for $22.11.

Aveya Beauty's Niacinamide Serum

I'm very happy to use a skincare serum with niacinamide in it, and Aveya Beauty's Niacinamide Serum has a 5% topical solution of this B3 Vitamin.  My skin loves the stuff.  It seems to just soak right in, and give my skin a healthy, radiant look. Niacinamide works by increasing the blood flow to the skin.  More blood = more nutrients, and with more nutrients, the skin can better repair itself.
Aveya Beauty's Niacinamide Serum
This serum is clear and light, fragrance-free, and dispenses easily with the dropper.  The bottle is small, but you don't need a lot - and Aveya is currently running a BOGO special, so it's like getting 6 months of serum for the price of 3.  I've been using this serum every day, and after a month, I'm not even halfway through it, so I'm pretty confident it will last 3 months. 

Aveya Beauty's Niacinamide Serum

If you have aging skin like I do, you might want to try this anti-aging serum.  They have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can get your money back if it doesn't work for you.  Amazon currently sells this serum for $26.94.

When I saw Aveya Beauty's gorgeous sunset logo, with the wave of water and the swaying palm trees, I knew I'd found my inspiration for today's nail art!  I did a sponge gradient with Sinful Colors Snow Me White, Zoya Pippa, and Zoya Arizona, and also used those colors for the three little flowers at the bottom.  I took a tiny dotting tool and Avon Lagoon to make the wave, and a black striper for the palm trees.  Now, I just need a hammock...
Aveya Beauty products are made in the USA, and are cruelty-free.  For more information, or to purchase, you can find them on their website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Amazon.

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