Lit from Within: New Year, Back To Me

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year, Back To Me

Hello, Fireflies!

I'm not one for resolutions, or feeling some magical way about the turn of a calendar page... usually.

But 2016 was a bummer for many of us, and for me, it wasn't just about celebrity deaths or politics.  Starting in January, my husband and I spent pretty much half of every month traveling to the Florida Panhandle to help out with a series of hospitalizations, tests, surgeries, and eventually, the death of both of my parents.

My world has been rocked, and I'm still getting aftershocks - usually when I don't expect them.  Even writing this post has me a little teary-eyed.

But, I've missed my little corner of the blogosphere.  I've slowly started painting my nails again,  playing with glitter, and am looking forward to sharing new discoveries and old favorites with y'all.  So, I'm attempting to use this magical New Year to get back to doing the things I love.

I hope you'll come with me!  As always, I continue to announce things on Twitter, share things that inspire me on my Facebook page, and post snapshots of my life on Instagram.

May this year bring good things to all of us!

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