Lit from Within: Stamping Sunday - On A Cult Road Trip

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Stamping Sunday - On A Cult Road Trip

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.. Stamping!  This week, our challenge was to use a plate ending in #8, so I had a little freedom with the colors and theme.  I'd just gotten my new Cult Nails Road Trip, Anyone? collex, so I picked a few colors and had some fun. 

First up, Riot.

Cult Nails Riot

Almost a one-coater, gorgeous, creamy bright mint.  Perfect summer color, and, per usual, the awesome formula of a Cult Nails creme polish.

The collex came with two toppers, and I chose Mayhem, her new holo topper, to go with Riot.

Holo Mayhem over turquoise Riot

Holos do show up better over darker colors, but I thought this did a nice job without adding too much grey, like some holo topcoats do.

But, today is about the stamping, right?  So I used Cult Nails Party Time, a medium blue with a hint of green.

Cult Nails Party Time

And it stamped perfectly with Pueen 18.

Cult Nails Party Time with Pueen 18

I love a bright color with subtle stamping.

Cult Nails Riot, Mayhem, and stamped with Party Time

Road Trip, Anyone? is the newest collex from Cult Nails.  If you'd like more information about Cult Nails, you can find them on Facebook and their own website
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