Lit from Within: 14 Days of Valentines - Handpainted Hearts #14DaysofValentines

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

14 Days of Valentines - Handpainted Hearts #14DaysofValentines

Hello, Fireflies!

I admit, I think Valentines' Day is a Hallmark holiday.  We should be showing the people we love how we care for them all year long.  Still, 14 days is better than 1 day of Valentines!

What better way to show someone you love them than by making something by hand?  I made all these hearts for you with a dotting tool.  I love you guys.

I love incorporating different sizes and shapes of hearts into a nailart.  These are like big, fluffy, heart-shaped clouds.

What I used:  L'Oreal Wishful Pinking, and Sinful Colors Snow Me White.

What I used:  L'Oreal Wishful Pinking, and Sinful Colors Snow Me White.

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