Lit from Within: Hobby Polish Bloggers - Inspired by the Beach

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hobby Polish Bloggers - Inspired by the Beach

I live about 20 minutes away from many of the beaches in the Daytona Beach area, and, while I don't go very often, I like that it's nearby.  There's something magical about driving over the bridge over the Intercoastal, and seeing the Atlantic in the distance.

For me, the beach will be about blue skies and blue water.  So, I did a blue mani.

I used Models Own Beth's Blue, a creamy light blue, for all my fingers save my ring finger.  Love this color.

Mani with Models Own and LynBDesigns

For my ring finger, and thumb striped accent, I used LynBDesigns Don't Torture Me!, a perwinkle with tiny flakies. Then, I dotted with Beth's Blue.  It's like the blue sky, frothy ocean, and fluffy clouds - a perfect day at the beach.

Mani with Models Own and LynBDesigns

Bottle shots:  LynBDesigns Don't Torture Me! and Models Own Beth's Blue.

Bottle shots:  LynBDesigns Don't Torture Me! and Models Own Beth's Blue

So, are you transported to the beach yet?  Can't you almost imagine the palm trees swaying in the breeze?

Check out these other Hobby Polish Bloggers challenge manis!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lisa! I appreciate you coming by. I think you're always the first! :)

  2. These are so pretty. I know you are lover of the blue, but these might be the best I've seen.

    1. It's the honeymoon clouding your eyes, Mrs. Swink! lol. Glad you like them. Wish I could have done yours for you!


Thank you for your comments! They mean so much to me, and I read all of them, even if I don't always have a chance to respond.

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